Tools - For youth-serving professionals

Cover of report with UMN branding and photo of two teens

Parent Support for Sex Ed: Building Legislative Support - This friendly 2-pager tells policymakers about our findings that 90% of MN parents want teachers to teach both abstinence AND science-based, comprehensive sexuality education.

(Re)Imagining Justice for Youth - This report on St. Paul’s new approach to youth justice offers lessons learned while centering community in the legal response to harmful behavior.

Implementation Evaluation of Whole School Restorative Practices - This report on evaluation indicators, methods, and measures from UMN’s partnership with St. Paul Public Schools to implement RP can help your district take the next step.

Minnesota Adolescent Sexual Health Report (ASHR) - Analyze the most recent Minnesota youth sexual health data and trends, and MN’s role relative to its regional and national peers, and serve youth better. 

State Adolescent Health Resource Center - This website offers actionable, research-based tools that help MCH/Title V-funded adolescent health professionals in state public health agencies to elevate and center PYD.

National Network of State Adolescent Health Coordinators (NNSAHC) - This professional membership network, led by state-level volunteers, connects State Adolescent Health Coordinators with helpful tools, TA, and each other.